Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The DaVinci Vaporizer Reviewed With A Video

Those of you who know vaporizers probably know about this one called DaVinci but I'm going to let you know a little more about it that you might not already know. You thought you knew everything so how could this be? Well, to put it simply, the company who designed it has updated it to include some new improvements that definitely make it a more viable option for those seeking a portable vaporizer, which is what this is (if you didn't realize). Let me begin by saying that this is one of the ones that you'll want to try before you buy to determine whether or not you like the taste of the vapor that it's putting out. I say this because some people don't like it. Personally, I kind of like it and it doesn't really bother me but I know some of my friends don't really care for the taste all that much. Anyways, let me explain some things about it real quick.

DaVinci Vaporizer
DaVinci portable vaporizers..
For starters, it's got a few buttons on the front and it's not that hard to figure out. You just slide the power on and then hit the button on the front to start heating it up. The plus and minus buttons lets you adjust the temp., which you can see on the screen, and that's about all you really need to know to get it going. Loading the blend is a little tricky but only if you're using liquids. For liquids you want to load them first into the liquid canisters and then into the filling chamber where you'd normally load your dry blend. There's a brush inside of it and a storage compartment for whatever you want to store.

So What's New?

Well, the new aspects are derived from a couple of changes, one of which is minor and the other major. Lets start with the little change. They updated the latching system, it's a magnetic latch and it works good. Now for the big one. The battery life is now significantly better than it was. You can imagine what a difference that makes if you've used the old DaVinci vaporizer to vaporize because the 40 minutes of battery life hardly cut it. Thankfully, you could always charge it while it was in use and that was a huge benefit that a lot of portable vaporizers are missing.

How Does It Compare To Other Vapes?

Compared to some of the other portables, this is actually a pretty nice one. Compared to the old Da Vinci vaporizers, it's really nice. Compared to the Pax, I think it holds its own but the Pax might be a tad better for some people.

Anyways, you can check out my personal review of the DaVinci on my site at http://vaporizer2013.com/2013/05/21/my-second-da-vinci-vaporizer-video-and-review/ and that about wraps this DaVinci vaporizer review up. Take it easy everyone!

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