Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Canoe, Beers, Chinese Food, Beautiful Woman, and Injuries

Woke up at my girl's pad this morning after a night of drinking and otherwise ridiculous festivities. We decided to swing by my place so I could change and grab a few things before we ventured off to a local pond to canoe. Once we finally got there, we decided to begin drinking some coronas with lime in the warm sun as we paddled around the pond looking for giant turtles. We saw well over 20 turtles, most of which were small, but to our distress, not one giant turtle. That's okay, there's always next time. While we were in the middle of the pond, I decided to pop open a beer bottle using my lighter for leverage and to my dismay, I popped myself in the eye with the bottle cap. A direct hit to the eye was nothing short of hilarious and extremely unpleasant for yours truly. After seeing a bright light in one eye, my vision eventually returned, although fuzzy for a while. At this point, it's still not all that great and I can definitely tell that I did some damage, but it's probably not serious. I've certainly seen worse damage to this poor eye of mine. While exiting the canoe, I managed to hurt my ankle as a result of some crazy lady trying to pull the boat on shore while I was standing. While there, we ran into a couple of friends who live across the street from the pond and hung out for a while before hitting the road.

We rolled by a Chinese food restaurant and both of my lady friends were complaining that they were hungry. As I was also hungry, I said we should stop in and we each picked up a lunch special. As usual, I paid. The meal was relatively inexpensive, seeing as it only totaled about $33 or so for the three of us and I personally think that's a nice deal. Glad we made it in before the lunch special ended or it would have cost almost twice that. I'm back at my place now, after having them drop me off to ice my eye and take something for the swelling. I've been invited up to my friends place up the street to drink some beers and kick back, but I'm not sure that I'm really feeling up for it at this point. I'm totally beat and it's about time to vape it up with the Extreme Q 4.0 and eat another peanut butter cookie. I'm almost too tired to load up the Q and get some vapor going, but then again, how could I be too tired for something so awesome? I'm not. Time to do it up. Stay cute my friends.