Friday, May 10, 2013

Vape News: Updates Their Top Vaporizers List

My favorite vaporizer review website has updated their list of what they believe to be the top vaporizers on the market and you might be surprised to find out which vape they've ranked the best vaporizer. Benzinga has caught wind of this vapor related news and as a result, you can now read about Vape Forest's latest update on their website. For those who think the top rated vape is the Pax, DaVinci, VaporBlunt 2.0, Pinnacle, or some Atmos vaporizer, you should really check out this latest news coverage because you're absolutely wrong according to these seasoned vaporizer reviewers.

Obviously, there are some models that I didn't mention that are definitely worthy of making it onto that top 10 list, but, what are they? I've got a few I'd like to introduce briefly that I'll touch up on more when I get a chance. The first one is one that I've somewhat already introduced in prior bloggings and that's the Extreme Q 4.0 by Arizer. It's a nice one that does whips and bags for a good price. It competes with the viVape 2 by Vaporfection and soon it will be competing with the Rise vaporizer by Vapir. I'm really looking forward to testing out this new Vapir vape and I'll let you know when I do. Moving on, there's the Volcano vapes that do bags better than anything I've used, but they're expensive.

I'm not going to rant on and on right now about the vapes I've tried because I want to isolate them into individual reviews that I'll share with you all at a later time. I'm also trying to share some information on my preferred, or we could say best vaporizer temperature, as it pertains to the different units. It seems that they're not all the same and don't necessarily accurately measure the temperature at the point of vaporization. There will be much much more coming soon so stick around!

On a side note, my allergies are really starting to bug me and my eyes feel swollen and itchy so it's about time that I bring this latest blog entry to an end. If you're really interested in keeping up to date with the vape world, you can always follow @VapeForest on Twitter where you'll surely find some recent news from the vapor underground. That does it for this post. Have a wonderful Friday evening everyone!