Yesterday, I made an appointment to get my haircut about a week ahead of schedule. It's grown too long and shaggy so it's about time I handle it. My appointment is in a couple of hours so I won't be on here long. My girl got super drunk, as usual, again last night and text messaged me some madness. I'm incredibly sober and entirely unimpressed at the moment. I have yet to respond. I'll likely go about my day without worrying too much about hitting her back. She embarrasses herself too often in my opinion and it's leaving me with little to work with.
Either before or after I get my haircut, I'll likely stop somewhere and eat something decent, not sure what though. I also need to pickup a gift for my mother, seeing as tomorrow (I think) is Mother's Day. Maybe I'll just give her cash and her sort things out for herself. I know I certainly wouldn't mind a cash gift as opposed to something I'll never use or a card I'll only read once. Maybe she'll think otherwise and be discouraged at the fact that I don't have the nerve to acquire a real gift, something thoughtful. Who knows though. I'll just wing it and see what happens. I'm going to go and get ready now so I'll catch you all later.