Thursday, May 23, 2013
Drank Too Much Yesterday, Raining Today
I'm content with having gone out all day yesterday and blown through way too much money hanging out with some friends and eventually my girl. Went out to eat at a couple of different places, got some drinks, and ended up at some place up on a hill where we drank some more beers and had a good time. The night ended abruptly with everyone going their separate ways. Got in a bit of an argument with my girl over where we'd go and it was decided we'd both go to our own places and call it a night. She wasn't pleased with this decision but I knew I had a lot of work to do today and I'd need to sleep for a long time to recover from a hard day of drinking. I'm literally laying in bed right now while I write this and it's about mid afternoon or so. That's somewhat pathetic but I'm alright with it. I just need to lay low for a few days and recover. Glad it's raining because it gives me a nice excuse to stay inside and do nothing. Good luck with your own hangovers!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Went For A Hike Earlier, Allergies Are Crazy
I went for a short hike to a nice spot with a great view and now my allergies are going absolutely crazy. I think I have to stop going outside so much during this time of the year without taking allergy medication. The nice part is, compared to where I used to live, my allergies are really nothing to fret about. I don't even need to take the allergy meds I used to use so that's a huge relief because they always made me really drowsy. Anyways, I'm going to text my girl back and make some food because all I did when I got back was wash my face and write a quick review of the DaVinci vape that I was using while I was hiking. Food and girlfriend time, peace everyone.
The DaVinci Vaporizer Reviewed With A Video
Those of you who know vaporizers probably know about this one called DaVinci but I'm going to let you know a little more about it that you might not already know. You thought you knew everything so how could this be? Well, to put it simply, the company who designed it has updated it to include some new improvements that definitely make it a more viable option for those seeking a portable vaporizer, which is what this is (if you didn't realize). Let me begin by saying that this is one of the ones that you'll want to try before you buy to determine whether or not you like the taste of the vapor that it's putting out. I say this because some people don't like it. Personally, I kind of like it and it doesn't really bother me but I know some of my friends don't really care for the taste all that much. Anyways, let me explain some things about it real quick.
DaVinci portable vaporizers. | . |
So What's New?
Well, the new aspects are derived from a couple of changes, one of which is minor and the other major. Lets start with the little change. They updated the latching system, it's a magnetic latch and it works good. Now for the big one. The battery life is now significantly better than it was. You can imagine what a difference that makes if you've used the old DaVinci vaporizer to vaporize because the 40 minutes of battery life hardly cut it. Thankfully, you could always charge it while it was in use and that was a huge benefit that a lot of portable vaporizers are missing.
How Does It Compare To Other Vapes?
Compared to some of the other portables, this is actually a pretty nice one. Compared to the old Da Vinci vaporizers, it's really nice. Compared to the Pax, I think it holds its own but the Pax might be a tad better for some people.
Anyways, you can check out my personal review of the DaVinci on my site at and that about wraps this DaVinci vaporizer review up. Take it easy everyone!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Just Woke Up, Looks Lovely Out Today
I tend to sleep with the blinds on my windows shut but when I wake up, I can see and feel the sunshine peaking through the cracks and it warms my mind and soul. At this point, I'm still laying in bed while I type this but I'm moments away opening the blinds to really let the light pour in. There's a good chance that I'll go for a quick hike today but I've got to check the weather report first. Depending on what the forecast looks like, I might go for a strenuous hike deep into the woods or just a quick jog or something along those lines.
My foot isn't bothering me like it was yesterday, the swelling of my injury has gone down and I feel as if I'm more than prepared to walk around today, but I might nt be ready to jog quite yet. We'll just have to wait and see.
My foot isn't bothering me like it was yesterday, the swelling of my injury has gone down and I feel as if I'm more than prepared to walk around today, but I might nt be ready to jog quite yet. We'll just have to wait and see.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
House Of Cards Is An Interesting Show
This Netflix original series is really pretty interesting. I'm surprised that I'd never gotten around to watching this before. It's really more interesting than half the shows I keep up with and so it only makes sense that I start watching it. If you haven't seen it, you can stream it live on Netflix if you happen to be a member. If you're not, you might want to seriously consider it because it's an awesome service and well worth the trivial cost that goes along with it. I don't even bother renting movies, I just stick with what's instant. I've literally never taken advantage of the rentals. There's plenty of streaming movies I've never seen and shows too. Well, that does it for this post. See you all later.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Girlfriend Is Out Of Town And I'm Stuffing My Face With Chinese Food
This General Gau's chicken is pretty much amazing I'm psyched that I decided to buy it earlier with plenty of leftovers for right now. My girl is gone for the next few days or so and I'm drunk so I'm stuffing my face with Chinese food that purchased earlier today. There are plenty of reasons why I shouldn't be blogging right now so I'm just going to bounce on out of here. Peace.
Wait, before I go, I should update you all on what I did today. It's hard to type right now because of the beers I've had but let me take a shot at this anyways. So my girl spent the night and then she took off to stay with her mother for a few days so she can celebrate her father's birthday which is sometime this week. When she left, I decided to pickup some nice beers and figured I'd grab a couple for one of my buddies that I hadn't seen much lately and so I went down to the store and actually ran into him and offered to grab him a couple of high end beers to sip on. We ended up drinking our beers and then I had a few more which is why I'm a little bit drunk (not drunk enough to not correct my spelling and grammar as I write this). I'm full of this chicken and ready to pass out so I'm really going to cut this short. Goodnight everyone!
Wait, before I go, I should update you all on what I did today. It's hard to type right now because of the beers I've had but let me take a shot at this anyways. So my girl spent the night and then she took off to stay with her mother for a few days so she can celebrate her father's birthday which is sometime this week. When she left, I decided to pickup some nice beers and figured I'd grab a couple for one of my buddies that I hadn't seen much lately and so I went down to the store and actually ran into him and offered to grab him a couple of high end beers to sip on. We ended up drinking our beers and then I had a few more which is why I'm a little bit drunk (not drunk enough to not correct my spelling and grammar as I write this). I'm full of this chicken and ready to pass out so I'm really going to cut this short. Goodnight everyone!
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Are There Any Movies I Haven't Watched On Netflix?

Obviously there are, but are there any good ones? I need to find a list of the best movies currently out somewhere on this crazy world wide web. I'm assuming I can easily find out. One of the cooler things I recently watched was a Ted Talks on artistry and illusion. Can't remember exactly what is about, but it was, like most Ted Talks are, highly entertaining. A magician is the most honest occupation, as the magician assures you that you will be deceived. This professed deception being what makes it so honest, as many occupations entail deception without confession. That was one of the messages conveyed and I believe it was a quote, one which I've surely butchered due to my lack of inclination to search for the appropriate quote. Were I not so lazy, I would now quote the original author, but seeing as I'm too lazy, I'll simply move on.
I'm going to find something really good Netflix that will entertain me for the next couple of hours or so. Perhaps I'll blog a little while I watch. I love technology. Blogspot is awesome. Google is god.
Roku In My Office & Happy Mother's Day 2013

So I rock a multiple monitor setup and I've got one huge screen that I use for the most part. Seeing as I have a couple of extra screens and one of them flickers do to the way it's connected to the video card, I decided to unhook one and go dual monitor while I rock the Roku player on the third screen. If I didn't do it, the Roku wouldn't get much use and I got it to get some use out of it. Right now, I'm just remembering that I wanted to watch something like Lord of the Rings and I can actually do that with great ease now. Not that I couldn't have done it before, only that I hate the flickering monitor, bugs the heck out of me. By the way, I was too lazy to take a picture of my setup so here's a picture of a setup by someone else that looks alright. Mine is better, by far, lol.
What else is going on with me? Not much. Friend stopped by and then another friend stopped by. At this point, I don't think I've got much done today but that's okay, it is Mother's Day after all. Unfortunately, my mother went to visit family and so we didn't do anything whatsoever. Oh well, there's always next year (assuming everyone is still living). That sounds dreary, perhaps I should end on another note.
I'm going to watch a movie now so I'll catch you all later.
P.S. Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Plenty Vaporizer User Review
Handheld, but not portable, the Plenty is a somewhat sophisticated vaporizer for the home. The cord, which plugs into a wall outlet, makes it so that it's not all that portable (at least not by my standards). I hope this clears up some confusion. When I say handheld vaporizer, I mean that it's one which you hold in your hand, not one that sits on a desk. You can hold it in one hand and take draws while laying down because of the fact that the heating chamber is totally enclosed and the cooling coil whip is easily adjusted due to its flexible design. It tastes pretty good, but not as good as a Volcano (see this review) vaporizer. I think the part that really makes me a fan is the size of the chamber that you load your blend into and the amount of vapor it quickly produces. I'm talking about some really-really big draws of vapor and the best part about it is that they're cool draws, not hot ones like you tend to get from the portable vaporizers like the Pax. So all in all, the Plenty vaporizer pretty much rips like you wouldn't believe but you might have expected that seeing as it's a Storz & Bickel vaporizer after all. Those that don't realize what reference I'm making should make note of the fact that Storz and Bickel is the company that makes the Volcano vaporizers in addition to the Plenty Volcano (as some like to call it). Here's a little video on YouTube of the Plenty by Fabio that shows what it comes with:
Now, I don't want to get all technical on you so I'm not going to. Instead, I'm just going to say that you can read an awesome Plenty vaporizer review at that explains a lot of the technical details including what type of vaporization technique it uses, what it's made out of, how to use it, the temperature range, and all that crazy vapor mumble-jumble (how is that a word? lol). Now if you don't think that you care to read some super technical review of this crazy looking vape, you can always continue reading my little review, seeing as I've also had a chance to use it.
My Little Review (Continued From The Top):
So I've had a lot of opportunity to play around with the Plenty vape and see how well it works. I want to say that it really wants you to fill the chamber up all the way and that's a lot of blend. You don't absolutely have to do this because you can use the liquid pad but that doesn't mean it's going to deliver as well as it would with a full chamber. That's my experience with it anyways. What else, what else. Oh, it's got liquid pads that I mentioned which let you vaporize liquids (duh) and what I was saying earlier about loading less blend with them was in regards to the fact that it will hold a small amount of blend in place for proper vaporization. The idea here is that if a lot of hot air is passing along the sides of the blend, it's not going to vaporize properly unless you either fill it up or use the plenty vaporizers liquid pad to fill that extra space. Pretty much no problem whatsoever, but I just don't think it works as good without a completely full heating/filling chamber. Simple as that. The analog temperature display works good enough for me and it lets you know when you want to be taking draws off it so it's really pretty simple to use. You think that pulling the trigger, so to say, will be hard but it actually gives in without much effort so it's easy to pull, is what I'm saying. By trigger, I'm referring to the giant button beneath the handle that activates the heating element. That does it for this Plenty vape review. If you want to learn more about it, I suggest you roll on over to Vape Forest and read their vaporizer reviews, I say reviews instead of review because they have lots of vapes reviewed including some that I have yet to mention on this little blog of mine.
Now, I don't want to get all technical on you so I'm not going to. Instead, I'm just going to say that you can read an awesome Plenty vaporizer review at that explains a lot of the technical details including what type of vaporization technique it uses, what it's made out of, how to use it, the temperature range, and all that crazy vapor mumble-jumble (how is that a word? lol). Now if you don't think that you care to read some super technical review of this crazy looking vape, you can always continue reading my little review, seeing as I've also had a chance to use it.
My Little Review (Continued From The Top):
So I've had a lot of opportunity to play around with the Plenty vape and see how well it works. I want to say that it really wants you to fill the chamber up all the way and that's a lot of blend. You don't absolutely have to do this because you can use the liquid pad but that doesn't mean it's going to deliver as well as it would with a full chamber. That's my experience with it anyways. What else, what else. Oh, it's got liquid pads that I mentioned which let you vaporize liquids (duh) and what I was saying earlier about loading less blend with them was in regards to the fact that it will hold a small amount of blend in place for proper vaporization. The idea here is that if a lot of hot air is passing along the sides of the blend, it's not going to vaporize properly unless you either fill it up or use the plenty vaporizers liquid pad to fill that extra space. Pretty much no problem whatsoever, but I just don't think it works as good without a completely full heating/filling chamber. Simple as that. The analog temperature display works good enough for me and it lets you know when you want to be taking draws off it so it's really pretty simple to use. You think that pulling the trigger, so to say, will be hard but it actually gives in without much effort so it's easy to pull, is what I'm saying. By trigger, I'm referring to the giant button beneath the handle that activates the heating element. That does it for this Plenty vape review. If you want to learn more about it, I suggest you roll on over to Vape Forest and read their vaporizer reviews, I say reviews instead of review because they have lots of vapes reviewed including some that I have yet to mention on this little blog of mine.
Italian Food, Nom Nom Nom

Just went out to dinner with my old man and at a local Italian restaurant and it was delicious. I felt boring with my order of fettuccine alfredo and so I opted for an Italian beer that I had never heard of. The amber ale was alright, but nothing special and so I followed it up with a Samuel Adam's Summer; Sam Summer has been a favorite of mine for quite some time.
The garlic knots were just about as good as the main course. My noodles weren't cooked properly, not to my taste anyways, and so all in all, I could have stayed in and ordered a pizza for all I really care. What was good, I guess, was the philosophical discussions that took place between my father and I. At this point, I'm so full that I can hardly blog so I'm going to cut it short right now. Peace everyone. Enjoy your Saturday evening!
Bob Marley Died Today (Years Ago)

I salute thee Bob Marley for all that you accomplished in your short span here in this realm of the living. You were more than just another person walking blindly through this life. You were a lion amongst men and in this dwindling pool of consciousness, you dared to convey your ideals. This is to all the Bob Marley-esque individuals walking this planet: keep on pushing forward towards real progress. Don't be misguided by the endless stream of distraction that collects upon the shores of the river of life. Find your path and follow it without worry. I mean all of this in the most general sense. Simply put: don't fall into traps and the paths of others, dream your own dreams and dare to pursue them.
Bob Marley
February 6, 1945 - May 11, 1981
My Plans For This Cloudy Saturday

Yesterday, I made an appointment to get my haircut about a week ahead of schedule. It's grown too long and shaggy so it's about time I handle it. My appointment is in a couple of hours so I won't be on here long. My girl got super drunk, as usual, again last night and text messaged me some madness. I'm incredibly sober and entirely unimpressed at the moment. I have yet to respond. I'll likely go about my day without worrying too much about hitting her back. She embarrasses herself too often in my opinion and it's leaving me with little to work with.
Either before or after I get my haircut, I'll likely stop somewhere and eat something decent, not sure what though. I also need to pickup a gift for my mother, seeing as tomorrow (I think) is Mother's Day. Maybe I'll just give her cash and her sort things out for herself. I know I certainly wouldn't mind a cash gift as opposed to something I'll never use or a card I'll only read once. Maybe she'll think otherwise and be discouraged at the fact that I don't have the nerve to acquire a real gift, something thoughtful. Who knows though. I'll just wing it and see what happens. I'm going to go and get ready now so I'll catch you all later.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Laughers And Jokers - My Girl Texted Me Again
I don't know why I keep updating you strangers on what my girlfriend is doing but she decided to text me and say "Hi" so I replied with "Hey" and so the conversation commenced. Eventually it got to a point where I sent her a funny picture that I snapped of what I'm watching on Netflix and her response was somewhat odd. I'm not sure how much I appreciate her sense of humor. I think that's an important variable in a relationship. I need someone who make s me laugh because I'm a laugher and laughers go well with jokers. Laughers and jokers.
Vapir Rise Vaporizer Shared Via Reddit
On, there's this section called /r/trees where you might come across some interesting pictures, information, and videos. There's even a section called vaporents that's got a lot of information vaporizing. It's in this "trees" section that you can find a link to more information on the latest Vapir vaporizer. This crazy new vape is known as Rise. Here's a link to the Reddit post I'm talking about:
Rise vaporizers look like they'll be a good match for the Extreme Q vaporizers, but without using one, I can't really say. I'm hoping that I get a chance to use it soon so that I can let you all know what I think about it. We'll see what happens. It's just a matter of time before Vapir Rise is one of the digital vaporizers that I've reviewed so give me a little bit of time and I'll get one to try out so you don't have to. That way, if it's good I can let you know about it and if it's bad, well, you'll know that too.
Vapir Rise Overview:
This isn't your average vape. It's more of a hi-tech vaporization instrument that will allow you to vaporize your liquids, dry blends, and deliver it through a whip or a vaporizer bag. It looks slick but I'm not sure how well it works so I'll just stick to what I do know about it at this point. Temperature controls are digital and it seems as if you can adjust the fan speed.
More Info:
There's more information on the Rise vaporizer at (the same place where I learned about it). Obviously, the Vapir website probably has quite a bit of information too. Anyways, here's a link to the post on Vape Forest's vaporizer blog about the Rise:
Rise vaporizers look like they'll be a good match for the Extreme Q vaporizers, but without using one, I can't really say. I'm hoping that I get a chance to use it soon so that I can let you all know what I think about it. We'll see what happens. It's just a matter of time before Vapir Rise is one of the digital vaporizers that I've reviewed so give me a little bit of time and I'll get one to try out so you don't have to. That way, if it's good I can let you know about it and if it's bad, well, you'll know that too.
Vapir Rise Overview:
This isn't your average vape. It's more of a hi-tech vaporization instrument that will allow you to vaporize your liquids, dry blends, and deliver it through a whip or a vaporizer bag. It looks slick but I'm not sure how well it works so I'll just stick to what I do know about it at this point. Temperature controls are digital and it seems as if you can adjust the fan speed.
More Info:
There's more information on the Rise vaporizer at (the same place where I learned about it). Obviously, the Vapir website probably has quite a bit of information too. Anyways, here's a link to the post on Vape Forest's vaporizer blog about the Rise:
Girlfriend Is Back To Messaging Me

Not sure if I really want to communicate with my girl right now. I don't feel like things have been rolling all that smoothly as of late and I just don't feel up to it. It doesn't always end well and I think that Friday night should be a pleasant time, free of drama. For which reason, I'm probably not going to text her back anytime soon, but then again, I'm too nice and perhaps I will.
I'm really looking for a partner that enjoys doing the things that I like. Mostly, I want someone who wants to go for long walks, hikes, go skiing, and not party so much. Rather than party, we could watch some movies and eat ice cream like fatties or I could cook some ridiculously delicious food to eat by the lake. I don't know exactly, but all this drinking and partying is old. Maybe I just need a girlfriend that's a bit closer to my age or older.
Whatever will I do? I have no idea. Maybe things will work out but then again, maybe they won't.
Vape News: Updates Their Top Vaporizers List
My favorite vaporizer review website has updated their list of what they believe to be the top vaporizers on the market and you might be surprised to find out which vape they've ranked the best vaporizer. Benzinga has caught wind of this vapor related news and as a result, you can now read about Vape Forest's latest update on their website. For those who think the top rated vape is the Pax, DaVinci, VaporBlunt 2.0, Pinnacle, or some Atmos vaporizer, you should really check out this latest news coverage because you're absolutely wrong according to these seasoned vaporizer reviewers.
Obviously, there are some models that I didn't mention that are definitely worthy of making it onto that top 10 list, but, what are they? I've got a few I'd like to introduce briefly that I'll touch up on more when I get a chance. The first one is one that I've somewhat already introduced in prior bloggings and that's the Extreme Q 4.0 by Arizer. It's a nice one that does whips and bags for a good price. It competes with the viVape 2 by Vaporfection and soon it will be competing with the Rise vaporizer by Vapir. I'm really looking forward to testing out this new Vapir vape and I'll let you know when I do. Moving on, there's the Volcano vapes that do bags better than anything I've used, but they're expensive.
I'm not going to rant on and on right now about the vapes I've tried because I want to isolate them into individual reviews that I'll share with you all at a later time. I'm also trying to share some information on my preferred, or we could say best vaporizer temperature, as it pertains to the different units. It seems that they're not all the same and don't necessarily accurately measure the temperature at the point of vaporization. There will be much much more coming soon so stick around!
On a side note, my allergies are really starting to bug me and my eyes feel swollen and itchy so it's about time that I bring this latest blog entry to an end. If you're really interested in keeping up to date with the vape world, you can always follow @VapeForest on Twitter where you'll surely find some recent news from the vapor underground. That does it for this post. Have a wonderful Friday evening everyone!
Obviously, there are some models that I didn't mention that are definitely worthy of making it onto that top 10 list, but, what are they? I've got a few I'd like to introduce briefly that I'll touch up on more when I get a chance. The first one is one that I've somewhat already introduced in prior bloggings and that's the Extreme Q 4.0 by Arizer. It's a nice one that does whips and bags for a good price. It competes with the viVape 2 by Vaporfection and soon it will be competing with the Rise vaporizer by Vapir. I'm really looking forward to testing out this new Vapir vape and I'll let you know when I do. Moving on, there's the Volcano vapes that do bags better than anything I've used, but they're expensive.
I'm not going to rant on and on right now about the vapes I've tried because I want to isolate them into individual reviews that I'll share with you all at a later time. I'm also trying to share some information on my preferred, or we could say best vaporizer temperature, as it pertains to the different units. It seems that they're not all the same and don't necessarily accurately measure the temperature at the point of vaporization. There will be much much more coming soon so stick around!
On a side note, my allergies are really starting to bug me and my eyes feel swollen and itchy so it's about time that I bring this latest blog entry to an end. If you're really interested in keeping up to date with the vape world, you can always follow @VapeForest on Twitter where you'll surely find some recent news from the vapor underground. That does it for this post. Have a wonderful Friday evening everyone!
Girlfriend Problems, Blah
So my girlfriend drinks, drinks often, and drinks a lot. I'm not an alcoholic, although I do have a few beers here and there. For the most part, I prefer my sobriety for the most part. This has been causing problems with our relationship as of recent due to the fact that she will quite often get belligerent and then say something uncalled for and out of line. My response is to distance myself from what is potentially a disaster waiting to unfold. Most recently, we had a phone conversation that didn't end well and as a result, I have not talked to her recently. She has sent me a text message apologizing for the conversation we had and I have yet to respond. I'm not sure that I will. My life is great for the most part and I don't care for such drama. Back to the simple life I guess.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Extreme Q For The Home?
Here's a story that can be found on Storify about the Extreme Q and why it's such a nice vaporizer for the home. Read it if you have any interest in home vaporizers. - My Vaporizer Review Site
I'm big into vaporizing. I vaporize more days than not and it's become something of an interest of mine over the years. I started with one of the Volcano vaporizers, the "Classic" one without the digital temperature controls, and eventually stumbled into a whole bunch of vaporizers when I met the nerds over at and it wasn't long before I was testing a whole bunch of different vapes out. This is basically what led to my new website,, because I had all of these different vaporizers to use and it was suggested that I get a little website up and running to share my thoughts on all of the different models I was testing out. So that's what my website is about. There are plenty of videos and lots of written reviews. If you like it, share it with your friends!
Before you run off and check out my site, let me just say that I'm not the best at web design and it's really a surprise to me that I'm even capable of making a website so don't be too harsh when you critique my work. Also, keep in mind that I didn't spend a lot of time making my video reviews and so they're really just quickly put together vids that I think get my point across.
While my website is pretty new (started it this year), it's got a lot already and there's more coming. I've got a whole mess of different vapes that I still haven't reviewed so there is sure to be a whole lot of new vaporizer reviews coming soon.
Before you run off and check out my site, let me just say that I'm not the best at web design and it's really a surprise to me that I'm even capable of making a website so don't be too harsh when you critique my work. Also, keep in mind that I didn't spend a lot of time making my video reviews and so they're really just quickly put together vids that I think get my point across.
While my website is pretty new (started it this year), it's got a lot already and there's more coming. I've got a whole mess of different vapes that I still haven't reviewed so there is sure to be a whole lot of new vaporizer reviews coming soon.
Canoe Pond Picture
Here's a really cool picture that I thought was worth sharing. This is definitely something I want to do myself: build a pond inside of an old canoe. I think it looks amazing and would fit well with the surroundings that I find myself in. Share this post if you love this picture of a "canoe pond".
While I'm on the topic, I think about buying a transparent canoe or kayak all the time. My only problem is how costly they are and how little I'll actually use it. If it were something I could see myself using every week, I'd probably drop the thousands of dollars that they cost to buy new. As it stands, I'll likely wait until I stumble across a used one or one that's just on sale. I'm going to go back to vaporizing so I'm going to cut this post off right now. Have an awesome day!
While I'm on the topic, I think about buying a transparent canoe or kayak all the time. My only problem is how costly they are and how little I'll actually use it. If it were something I could see myself using every week, I'd probably drop the thousands of dollars that they cost to buy new. As it stands, I'll likely wait until I stumble across a used one or one that's just on sale. I'm going to go back to vaporizing so I'm going to cut this post off right now. Have an awesome day!
Canoe, Beers, Chinese Food, Beautiful Woman, and Injuries
Woke up at my girl's pad this morning after a night of drinking and otherwise ridiculous festivities. We decided to swing by my place so I could change and grab a few things before we ventured off to a local pond to canoe. Once we finally got there, we decided to begin drinking some coronas with lime in the warm sun as we paddled around the pond looking for giant turtles. We saw well over 20 turtles, most of which were small, but to our distress, not one giant turtle. That's okay, there's always next time. While we were in the middle of the pond, I decided to pop open a beer bottle using my lighter for leverage and to my dismay, I popped myself in the eye with the bottle cap. A direct hit to the eye was nothing short of hilarious and extremely unpleasant for yours truly. After seeing a bright light in one eye, my vision eventually returned, although fuzzy for a while. At this point, it's still not all that great and I can definitely tell that I did some damage, but it's probably not serious. I've certainly seen worse damage to this poor eye of mine. While exiting the canoe, I managed to hurt my ankle as a result of some crazy lady trying to pull the boat on shore while I was standing. While there, we ran into a couple of friends who live across the street from the pond and hung out for a while before hitting the road.
We rolled by a Chinese food restaurant and both of my lady friends were complaining that they were hungry. As I was also hungry, I said we should stop in and we each picked up a lunch special. As usual, I paid. The meal was relatively inexpensive, seeing as it only totaled about $33 or so for the three of us and I personally think that's a nice deal. Glad we made it in before the lunch special ended or it would have cost almost twice that. I'm back at my place now, after having them drop me off to ice my eye and take something for the swelling. I've been invited up to my friends place up the street to drink some beers and kick back, but I'm not sure that I'm really feeling up for it at this point. I'm totally beat and it's about time to vape it up with the Extreme Q 4.0 and eat another peanut butter cookie. I'm almost too tired to load up the Q and get some vapor going, but then again, how could I be too tired for something so awesome? I'm not. Time to do it up. Stay cute my friends.
We rolled by a Chinese food restaurant and both of my lady friends were complaining that they were hungry. As I was also hungry, I said we should stop in and we each picked up a lunch special. As usual, I paid. The meal was relatively inexpensive, seeing as it only totaled about $33 or so for the three of us and I personally think that's a nice deal. Glad we made it in before the lunch special ended or it would have cost almost twice that. I'm back at my place now, after having them drop me off to ice my eye and take something for the swelling. I've been invited up to my friends place up the street to drink some beers and kick back, but I'm not sure that I'm really feeling up for it at this point. I'm totally beat and it's about time to vape it up with the Extreme Q 4.0 and eat another peanut butter cookie. I'm almost too tired to load up the Q and get some vapor going, but then again, how could I be too tired for something so awesome? I'm not. Time to do it up. Stay cute my friends.
Monday, May 6, 2013
Hmm, Is This My New Blog?
Oh g-wiz, it looks like I've gone and created a new blog here on blogger. Thanks to Google's free blogging service, I'm going to have a new blog to share with you all of my deepest and darkest secrets. Actually, I'm going to be sharing a lot of vaporizer news and reviews so you'll want to stick around and bookmark this new blog if you have an interest in vaping. To those who don't care for aromatherapy, don't bother coming back because that's mostly what you'll get when you come here.
Who Am I?
I am the vaporizer reviewer known as Gus and I have a website with vape videos and reviews over at which you should check out. I'm going to go and step outside for a few and catch the last bit of sunshine before the sunset so I'm going to end this quickly by saying that if you love to vape, you've found the right blog!
Who Am I?
I am the vaporizer reviewer known as Gus and I have a website with vape videos and reviews over at which you should check out. I'm going to go and step outside for a few and catch the last bit of sunshine before the sunset so I'm going to end this quickly by saying that if you love to vape, you've found the right blog!
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